Amherst Dentist Providing Affordable Dental Bonding for Gaps
Diastema, otherwise known as gaps between the teeth, is a common oral issue for many individuals. Unfortunately, these gaps can cause significant feelings of self-consciousness, especially since the teeth are one of the most important features of the body. When you smile, you want to be able to confidently show off your pearls without feeling negative about what other people think about your teeth. If you are experiencing any type of adverse feelings about your smile due to the gaps in your teeth, you might benefit from dental bonding. Dental bonding, also known as teeth bonding, is a cosmetic dental treatment that that places a tooth-colored resin material on top of the teeth to make them appear naturally colored and spaced. Common uses for dental bonding include fixing cracked or discolored teeth, but many people are unaware of the benefits of Dental Bonding for Gaps.
Candidates for Tooth Bonding for Gaps
Prior to getting dental bonding, your dentist will first identify whether you are a good candidate for dental bonding. The best candidates for dental bonding for gaps traditionally have aligned teeth with small gaps in their teeth that would be cheaper to correct than with traditional braces.
However, poor candidates for dental bonding are those whom have substantial gaps between their teeth. These gaps cannot be corrected with dental bonding itself. Rather, orthodontic treatments may be required to align teeth prior to dental bonding.
Is Tooth Bonding Best for You?
Even if your dentist determines that you are a good candidate for dental bonding for gaps, your lifestyle may not be the best for dental bonding. The resin material used for dental bonding is porous, meaning it stains quite easily. Therefore, if you participate in any lifestyle activities that can lead to dental stains, dental bonding may not be best for you.
Examples of these activities include smoking, drinking coffee, drinking wine, or chewing tobacco. Additionally, it’s important to recognize that dental bonding resin isn’t as durable as the natural tooth is. Because of this, things like chewing on hard candies, biting your nails, or chewing on pens could break or damage the dental bond. These are important considerations to take when determining whether dental bonding is worth your time and money.
Tooth Bonding Procedure
The dental bonding for gaps procedure is quite simple. If you’ve ever received a cavity filling, you have practically received dental bonding. The process for bonding a gapped tooth is different in the sense that the material is placed on the forefront and side of the tooth rather than in a cavity.
The first step in dental bonding is choosing a composite resin color that matches the color of your teeth. Next, your dentist will rough up the surface of the tooth that will receive the bonding to create a stronger grip.
The composite is then placed on the tooth’s surface, and it is shaped to fill the gap present. To harden, an ultraviolet light is held to the tooth until cured.
Cost of Tooth Bonding for Gaps
The cost of dental bonding depends on the number of teeth required to bridge the gaps between your teeth, as well as your geographic location and the experience of your dentist. On average, you can expect to pay anywhere between $300 and $600 per tooth.
This price can be higher or lower, so it’s important to discuss the financial aspect of treatment with your dentist prior to treatment.
Fix Gaps with Dental Bonding
Instead of living with gaps between your teeth, reach out to Queen City Family Dentistry. We can make you feel comfortable and answer any questions you have about the dental bonding process.
Reach out to Queen City Family Dentistry to schedule a consultation to discuss dental bonding for gaps today.
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